Ali from Our Patch tagged me for the "Picture Me" MeMe.
Kate at Our Red House began this MeMe and said the following;
"The rules are simple: post a picture of yourself on your blog. As some may feel uncomfortable posting a current photo, a baby or childhood picture is fine. Post the picture, tell us the story behind it, copy the logo, and tag three others (without forgetting to tell them that they have been tagged!)"
I too, like a lot of people I know, dislike my photo being taken. This has gotten easier sometimes as I grow older - or maybe not. I chose this photo which was taken on my birthday this year (in March). I am at home in my lounge room, surrounded by my family. The birthday cake was home made by me (so my son could eat it!). It is my favourite boiled chocolate cake recipe. The photo is so typically me, always laughing on the outside - my glass is always half-full...at least!
I tag the following people:
Mandy @ Made by Mandy
Kez @ Kez's Blog
Busy woman @ A Vision Splendid
I'll try and post the cake recipe too...soon!