Wow! Can I just say that I am honoured that
Lightening nominated me for a Frugal Subversive Award that was begun by
Rhonda Jean . Thank you Rhonda Jean for starting the award in an effort to raise awareness and thank you so much Lightening for your lovely words about my blog. I promise to post some pancake recipes for you in the next few posts :)
Now it's my turn to pass on the award to 3
bloggers who I think are deserving of the award. There are so many great blogs out there it is hard to choose just 3 but here it goes:
My first nomination goes to
Kez who like the rest of us trying to simplify her life whilst juggling work, motherhood and CEO of her home. I love her honesty and her posts about the guilt of being a working mother really strike a chord with me. I
also love her reading list of "posts-I-like".
Secondly I'd like to nominate Kate whose blog
Our red house has the words "ordinary things, simple things, beautiful things" as part of her heading. Her blog brings back lots of memories of my own childhood and I love the vintage items she manages to post about on her blog. Keep bringing out the
nostalgia Kate!
My final nomination goes to Mrs
Pivec at
Golightly Place. I've been inspired by her efforts to get her
children menu planning and cooking meals
for the family. I knew I had met a kindred spirit when I read this:
When my children arrived on the planet, I just assumed that craft supplies were vital to life, and so I have always had them. I mean, I had them even before they arrived, of course, but once they were on the scene, I would now have two little ones to do crafts with me!"Thank you Mrs
Pivec for making me smile :) Lots!
And here is a copy of the original notes that go with the award so you know what to do next:
If you are given an award and want to take part in this meme, you can in turn select three other
bloggers who have inspired you to be a frugal subversive.
Passing the rules on with the award will make it easier for everyone to participate.
Congratulations on the award. I hope it helps you spread awareness near and far.
1. When you are tagged, write a post with links to three blogs who have inspired you with their frugal creativity or innovation.
2. In your post, please link back to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme and save the award graphic.
3. Leave a comment or message for the
bloggers you’re tagging, so they they know they're received the award.
4. Display the Frugal Subversive Award badge to identify your blog as part of the movement that is turning its back on consumerism at any cost.
Now I am off to post on these lovely ladies blogs to let them know they are
Please go visit and read what they have to say. There are more I would have picked, but I had to choose only three this time.
take care of you.