Tuesday 1 January 2008

New Years Resolutions

Hope everyone had a great Christmas, will post about how mine all turned out with photos in a few days!
It seems like everyone else in blogland I too have been thinking and reflecting on 2007, as well as thinking ahead to 2008. Rather than make a resolution as such I tend to pick a word to remind me of my direction for the coming year. I think i originally got this idea form a scrapbooker I admire...possibly Heidi Swapp?
In 2007 my word was "ENOUGH"
in 2008 I am going with
To me it means:
- less petrol consumption (use public transport at least twice a fortnight, maybe more)
- less weight (I have a friend for us to keep each other motivated)
- less shopping
- less stuff (decluttering)
- less food (consume less, grow a little of my own starting with spring onions, herbs and salad leaves)
- less chocolate/cheese (two of my greatest weaknesses - not going to give them up, just limit the amounts I consume to being a "treat")

I'm sure other things will come to me throughout the year and I hope to blog at least twice a week to keep you informed of my progress on all these goals. My friend and I photographed each other in our bathers and no I definitely won't be posting that photo on here! Just one more tool to keep us motivated.
I value everyone's feedback and comments. So please feel free to comment.
What resolutions have you made for 2008?
Anyone else going on the weight loss path with me?
What would you like to see on my blog this year?


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you, Lis. I just read your blog and I love the idea of a word to describe the coming year and "LESS" is a fabulous one. I really, really like that. It also applies quite nicely to the "simple life". I think I may just have to use that word myself, ha!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog, Liz. A real treat for the new year. "Less" is a great word for the year.

Polly said...

Hi Lis, I like your idea of using one word and LESS would be the word I'd choose too for this year.
I did the weight loss thing in 2007 and for the first time in eighteen years I am in the normal weight range and loving it.
Good luck with your plans.

Lis said...

Anon - still trying to figure out who you are! Go ahead and use it, LESS is a great word :)
frugal - Thanks I love the word and I think it embraces what we all should be doing :)
Polly - Feel free to use it too Polly - maybe we can start our own Less revolution - kinda like the compact :)

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Lis :)

I too am using the word LESS in the form of LESS IS MORE which is what I blogged about a couple of days ago so we're all going along the same path!!

one thing I didn't blog about is my need and want to lose some weight at least 10kg's.....

Lis said...

Ali - I am aiming for a minimum of 20kg - my BMI is at 30 currently so I need to definitely reduce it or suffer lots of health problems as I age :) Let me know if you want some motivation.